Registration and Approval of Suppliers - Main Rules
So that you can carry out the registration of approval in a simpler way, below are some rules for the process to be correct.
- The Registration is the beginning of the Homologation process. In other words, the supplier will not participate in the homologation process without first going through the Registration process;
- Pre-registration can be initiated by the Supplies area or by Supplier Management. Besides this, the supplier can register himself via the link available on the Hidrovias site;
- The supplier's Classification must be carried out by the Supplies area of Hidrovias, at this point the criticality and risk of each supplier will be defined to determine which documents must be sent by the supplier in the homologation;
- The CGC Term must be read and the supplier may accept, accept with reservations or not accept the Term presented by Hidrovias;
- In the registration process, the supplier must fill in all the given fields in order to proceed with the validation of its data;
- In the complete Supplier Registration and Approval flow there are six types of groups that are part of the registration and document validation process, Procurement, Finance, Compliance and QSSMA, Suppliers, Legal;
- When the supplier is related to any Anti-Corruption issue it will be validated by the Compliance team;
- When the supplier completes the registration editing/updating stage, the registration will be forwarded to Hidrovias for approval;
- The Approval process can only be started when the supplier's Registration has reached the "Pre-Approved Registration" status;
- After validation by all responsible areas of the registration, the Supplier must start the Approval process;